From Print to Digital: A Journey Through Sports Journalism

Design plays a crucial role in creating successful and effective media content, particularly in the realm of sports. Whether it's newspaper design, graphic design, or web design, the visual elements of sports media are essential for capturing and maintaining the attention of audiences.

In newspaper design, layout, typography, and visual hierarchy are key elements that can make or break the reader's experience. With so much information to convey, it is essential that newspaper designers use clear, concise, and visually compelling graphics to help guide the reader through the stories.

Similarly, graphic design is essential for creating eye-catching and engaging visuals in sports media. This includes everything from logos and branding to game graphics and social media content. A well-designed graphic can grab the audience's attention and convey important information in a clear and concise way.

In web design, the user experience is critical. The design should be intuitive, easy to navigate, and visually appealing. It is essential to consider the different devices on which the website will be accessed, such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones, and to ensure that the design is optimized for each platform.

Finally, staying on top of trends in sports media is crucial for effective design. This means keeping up with changes in technology, audience preferences, and social media platforms to ensure that your design is both relevant and effective. By adapting to these trends, sports media designers can create content that resonates with fans and helps them stay engaged with their favorite teams and sports.

News Design

News design is crucial for the sports section as it helps to capture readers' attention and convey information effectively. It creates an easy to navigate and visually appealing layout, making it easy for readers to find their desired content. The use of eye-catching headlines, concise text, and compelling images and graphics can enhance the overall reading experience, increasing reader loyalty and engagement, which is essential for any publication's success.

In today's world, where there is an abundance of information available, the importance of news design in the sports section cannot be overstated. A well-designed sports section can differentiate a publication from its competitors, attract new readers, and retain existing ones.

Graphic Design

Graphic design is essential in sports, especially for teams trying to maintain a strong social media presence. With so much competition, professional sports organizations need to stand out to capture and maintain their followers' interest. Eye-catching graphics can help convey essential information, such as schedules and player statistics, in a clear and concise manner.

Good graphic design can also create a sense of unity among fans and establish a team's brand identity. By using consistent fonts, colors, and design elements across all social media channels, teams can create a recognizable and cohesive brand. Investing in quality design can help sports organizations build a strong social media presence, connect with fans on a deeper level, and ultimately increase their fan base and revenue.

This is a week eight graphic
This is a Where to Watch graphic
This is a graphic of the top three scorers of the Micigan State Michigan game


More Than Just a Game: Exploring Trends in Sports Media Through Content Analysis


Studying trends in sports media is significant because it allows us to understand how media coverage of sports is changing over time and what implications these changes may have for athletes, fans, and the public. By using content analysis to examine sports media coverage, we can identify patterns and trends that may not be apparent through other forms of analysis.

One significant aspect of studying the trends in sports media using content analysis is identifying what is missing from prior research. By analyzing previous studies, gaps in the literature can be detected. For example, while previous research may have focused on more traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television, many of these studies have not explored newer digital platforms, including social media or streaming services. Another significant aspect to examine is athletes' use of social media to become influencers.

Athletes have become influential personalities on social media, with millions of followers on platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Their built-in audience of loyal fans makes them effective influencers, and their posts often get high engagement rates. Athletes can promote products and social causes, educate their followers on their respective sports, and earn endorsements and sponsorships.

This research done in this study will add to the existing literature by providing a greater understanding of trends in sports media across multiple platforms. By using content analysis to analyze coverage across a range of media outlets, we can provide a more comprehensive depiction of how sports media has and still is evolving over time. This study can help identify growing trends and predict how sports media may continue to evolve.

This research fits into the larger, current discussion about the role of sports media in society. Sports media has a significant impact on how athletes are viewed by the public, how fans engage with sports, and how sports can be used as a platform for larger social and political issues. By understanding trends in sports media, we can better grasp how media coverage shapes public perceptions of sports and their broad social implications.

The purpose of this content analysis is to examine patterns and shifts in sports media coverage to identify and analyze current trends. Overall, this research is important because it provides a better understanding of the growing landscape of sports media and its impact on society. By identifying these trends and gaps in coverage, we can help guarantee that sports media continues to emerge in ways that are both informative and socially responsible.

Literature Review

Though numerous articles have been examined, not much has been studied about trends in sports media. The existing literature on trends in sports media is relatively limited. However, some of the previous research that closely relates to this topic includes studies that examined the coverage of the 2004 Summer Olympics and the 2012 London Olympic Games. Specifically, the studies "Viewer Consumption: Gender, Ethnicity, and Nationality in NBC’s Coverage of the 2004 Summer Olympics" and "Racial Depictions of Athletes in NBC’s Primetime Broadcast of the 2012 London Olympic Games" both utilized a content analysis research design to analyze media coverage of these events.

In "Viewer Consumptions: Gener, Ethnicity, and Nationality in NBC’s Coverage of the 2004 Summer Olympics," researchers conducted a content analysis of 70 hours of NBC’s prime-time commentary for the coverage of the 2004 Summer Olympics. The study found eight noted differences in the types of descriptions employed about American and non-American athletes. Furthermore, 85% of the most covered athletes were American, revealing a potential bias in favor of American athletes. Additionally, the study revealed that male athletes received the majority of screen time and mentions and were shown in the media as courageous, lucky, and introverted. On the other hand, women received more comments than male athletes related to athletic ability and almost as many comments related to athletic strength.

Similarly, "Racial Depictions of Athletes in NBC’s Primetime Broadcast of the 2012 London Olympic Games" analyzed 69 hours of NBCs Olympic primetime coverage during the 17 nights of the 2012 Summer Olympics. This study found significant differences in the coverage of athletes of different ethnic backgrounds. For example, white, black, Latino, Asian, and Middle Eastern athletes received different discussions of the successes and failures of athletic strength, athletic ability, experience, and intelligence. American athletes were more likely to be portrayed as failing because they lacked concentration and composure, while non-Americans received more depictions of failing because they lacked strength and athletic ability.

While these studies provide valuable insights into the coverage of the Olympic Games, they are limited in their scope and focus solely on the coverage provided by NBC. The proposed study seeks to address this gap in the literature by conducting a content analysis of a week's worth of content from three top sports news publications, including ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and Bleacher Report. By analyzing a broader range of sports media sources, this study will provide a more comprehensive understanding of trends in sports media coverage.

Overall, the previous studies on sports media coverage reveal potential biases in coverage related to national identity, gender, and ethnicity. The proposed study will build upon this previous research by examining the current landscape of sports media coverage and identifying any new trends that have emerged in recent years.


H1: Sports media in 2023 will continue to focus on stories that generate high levels of engagement, with trending topics and controversial issues being the most popular.

H2: Gender bias may still exist in sports media, with stories about male athletes receiving more coverage than stories about female athletes.

H3: The types of stories covered will be highly influenced by the major sports seasons that are taking place at the time.

H4: Sports media outlets may prioritize covering stories that are generating high levels of engagement on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, and athletes’ personal social media accounts may be a major source of breaking news and behind-the-scenes content.

H5: The role of influencers, including athletes, in sports media will increase, leading to more branded content and collaborations with sports organizations.

H6: The emergence of new streaming services and platforms will increase competition in the sports media market, leading to a greater divide of audiences.

H7: There will be overlap in trending headlines across different publications.


Data Collection

The proposed study aims to analyze trends in sports media through a content analysis research design. This study will specifically analyze a week's worth of content from the top three sports news publications, including ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and Bleacher Report. These three media outlets were selected based on a report from the Sports Management Degree Guide, which identified them as among the most popular sports news publications.

During each viewing, the researcher will record every headline listed in the trending or top headlines section of the platform, along with the times the headline was sampled and the publication it came from. This data will be compiled in a spreadsheet to facilitate analysis.

The data collection process aims to capture a thorough and representative sample of the stories and trends covered by these sports news publications over the course of a week. By viewing each platform multiple times a day, the researcher aims to capture a wide range of stories and updates in real-time, and by recording the publication and time of each headline, the researcher can ensure that the data is accurate and reliable.


By analyzing a week’s worth of content from each of these three platforms, the study aims to provide a comprehensive and representative analysis of the trends in sports media coverage. However, there may be limitations to the sample, such as the possibility that other sports news publications or platforms may cover different types of stories or have different commentary priorities.

Additionally, while the selected publications are among the most popular and widely read, they may not be representative of all sports news publications or platforms. Future studies could expand the sample to include a broader range of sports publications or platforms or provide a more comprehensive analysis of trends in sports media.

Data Analysis

The analysis will focus on identifying trends in the types of stories covered by these sports news publications. The data will be analyzed quantitatively through frequency and descriptive statistics to identify the most common trends in the sample.

The data collected in this study will be analyzed using quantitative methods, including frequency and descriptive statistics, to identify trends in the types of stories covered by these sports news publications.

The analysis will focus on identifying the sports and athletes that receive the most coverage, the prominence of social justice issues and diversity in sports coverage, and the presence of any gender bias in the coverage.

To ensure the reliability of the data, the research team will verify a random sample of the headlines collected a week later, with any discrepancies resolved through discussion and consensus.

Overall, the data analysis aims to provide insights into the trends in sports media coverage in 2023 based on a content analysis of three top sports news publications. The results of the study may have implications for sports media practitioners, athletes, and fans alike and may inform future research on sports media and its impact on society.


The chart provided in this study supports the idea that sports media in 2023 will continue to focus on stories that generate high levels of engagement, with trending topics and controversial issues being the most popular. The chart includes many trending headlines that generated high levels of engagement, such as "Canes’ Calendar twins opt out to start ‘new lives." LB Devin White requests a trade from the Bucs,""Rare Air: ‘Last Dance’ Jordan's set auction record,""Hawks Secure No. 7 Seed,""Bruins Set NHL Points Record," and "Buccaneers’ LB Devin White Requests a Trade." These headlines generated high levels of engagement with sports fans, as they were about controversial issues that are trending topics.

Furthermore, the types of stories covered were highly influenced by the major sports seasons that were taking place at the time, such as the NBA playoffs and the Masters golf tournament. It also supports the hypothesis that sports media outlets prioritize covering stories that generate high levels of engagement on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, and athletes personal social media accounts may be a major source of breaking news and behind-the-scenes content. The chart includes headlines such as "Buccaneers’ LB Devin White Requests Trade, per Report," which suggests that social media platforms may be a source of breaking news, and "WR Hopkins Skips Cardinals’ Voluntary Workouts," which suggests that athletes’ personal social media accounts may be a source of behind-the-scenes content.

Regarding the hypothesis that the role of influencers, including athletes, in sports media will increase, leading to more branded content and collaborations with sports organizations, the chart supports this idea. The headlines, such as "Buccaneer's LB White Requests Trade, per Report'' and "Miami’s Cavindar Twins Will Not Play Fifth College Basketball Season, suggest that athletes may play a more significant role in shaping sports media and may be involved in collaborations with sports organizations.

Additionally, the chart supports the hypothesis that the emergence of new streaming services and platforms will increase competition in the sports media market, leading to a greater divide of audiences. The chart includes headlines from a variety of publications, such as ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and Bleacher Report, suggesting that there is a diverse range of sports media outlets available to consumers. Moreover, the study found that there is likely to be an overlap of trending headlines across different publications, as many of the headlines are similar, such as "Hawks Secure No. 7 Seed," which appears in both Bleacher Report and Sports Illustrated.

While the chart does not provide enough information to refute the hypothesis that gender bias may still exist in sports media with stories about male athletes receiving more coverage than stories about female athletes, there are a few headlines about female athletes, such as Brittney Griner being named to Time’s 100 Most Influential List and the WTA returning to China, which suggests that sports media outlets are covering stories about female athletes.

Overall, this study provides insights into the sports media industry, revealing that sports media will continue to prioritize stories that generate high levels of engagement and that athletes and social media will continue to play an important role in shaping sports media. The study also suggests that new streaming services and platforms will increase competition in the sports media market, leading to a greater divide of audiences, and that trending headlines are likely to overlap across different publications.


This study, which involved the content analysis of trending headlines from three top sports news publications, may have some limitations. One possible limitation is the sample size. The study only analyzed a week’s worth of headlines, which may not be representative of the entire content produced by these publications. Additionally, the selection of the three publications may also limit the generalizability of the findings to other sports news sources.

Another limitation of this study is the method used for data collection. The researcher gathered the articles three times a day at consecutive times, which may not have captured all relevant headlines. The timing of data collection may have also influenced the results, as certain events or news may have been missed during the times when the articles were gathered.

Furthermore, the study did not consider the content of the articles beyond the headlines, which may limit the depth of the analysis. Other factors, such as the tone, language, and overall message of the articles, may provide further insights into the representations of female athletes in sports media.

Overall, while the study provides valuable insights into the representation of female athletes in sports news headlines, there may be some limitations that should be considered when interpreting the findings.


In conclusion, this study highlights the significance of analyzing trends in sports media to understand how media coverage of sports is evolving over time and its implications for athletes, fans, and society. By using content analysis, this study has identified patterns and trends across a range of media outlets, including newer digital platforms such as social media and streaming services. The study has revealed that sports media outlets prioritize covering stories that generate high levels of engagement, and athletes and social media play an important role in shaping sports media. The emergence of news streaming services and platforms will also increase competition in the sports media market, leading to a greater divide among audiences. The study has shed light on the fact that gender bias may still exist in sports media, but there are also examples of stories about female athletes being covered. Overall, this study adds to the existing literature by providing a more comprehensive depiction of how sports media has and still evolves over time. It is important to continue monitoring these trends to ensure that sports media continues to emerge in ways that are both informative and socially responsible.